The Death Trail

The Death Trail, This place is like a hunted house, not indoor but in the woods!
Had never tried a hunted house thing outdoor before. So It had been so much fun for me.
and scary as well (only for me though, I have a very brave family!).
Once you buy the ticket, You will get a card in one of some colors. And whenever your color is called on the speaker, the group of the color starts getting inside the woods. Our color was RED.
After around 20 mins waiting to be called, we had finally started the trail.

In the woods, There were lots of section of themes to walk through and people wearing different kinds of scary costume such as clown, bleeding little girls, zombies, zombies, and zombies..., They also looked real and funny at the same time. It felt like there were too many sections for me, so I had been so scary at first, but later, yea, everything felt just fine and enjoyable. And you know what, I had been too intense during The Death Trail walk. so I had gotten so tired at the end. Maybe, I had been grabbing my mother-in-law's arm too hard lol. But still, It was something different and so much fun!

The funny thing was that The Death Trail was just right next to the church. I hadn't thought the church has something to do with it. But at the last section from the exit, we realized that there had been people from the church operating this place, which was probably for the upcoming Halloween day, to teach some lesson about the Bible to people who visit here. Well, as long as we had fun, It is good!

The Death Trail in Dumfries, Virginia
October 2018 

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